svētdiena, 2010. gada 25. aprīlis

014 Charlie and his angels

Hello my dears!
I believe you gave already heard something about our crazy-crazu-crazy road trip Spain-Morocco-......continuing :D :D Laimina, Giulia and me leaving continent of Europe ! it should have been on national news :)
Uncountable km by car/walking/hitch-hiking/swimming/walking ... uhhh
So it all started with GIULIA! ☺ So the day oh her birth- is day to CELEBRATE for ever and always!

So once upon a time in evening of a nice French day- Giulia called: “Lasmina! Can you came over to my room!” Lasmina came, and Giulia said – hey,girl, we should go on voyage during school break! We could do Spain+Portugal trip, youknow! I have friends in Lisbon.. and so it STARTED.

You know the plans can grow in speed of bamboo trees! But we decides this time to let destiny to guide us! How many people, how many times, have planned they trips, imagined destinations, read the tourisme guides, known what to expect and what to see, actually already seen on photos before really arriving there. We consciously decided to be crazy, be differnet, and follow our path, where ever it takes us.

>>of course it was a bit scary. Mostly in the same beginning leaving home, and now knowing where we gonna sleep tonight.
>>as well as next day , being in Carcassone just together with my sister airily spanding all day, just walking around, seing the castle. Sitting on the bridge and putting our feet in clean+cold river water :D. Green grass , blue sky and a dear person beside is everything human beeing needs to feel happy. So i can say for sure i was happy.
But as it happens in the trips which are not very strictly organized, everything changes really fast and unpredictible. So we were waiting Bene and Virginie joing us the same afternoo ... after we were waiting them to join us in the evening.... and finally at 7 in the evening they called to say, that they will not arrive. Actually they didnt even call. That was me calling. Yeah. Doesnt sound like very nice beginning.
So we were on the road.
Grigonu sister are fast in deciding (maybe not one by one , but together definitely!) so we just took our belonging on the back, and went to look for the nearest road to Barcelona. On the way found one salesmen, who had bunch of cardpaper boxes, so we took one, he said we could yake more, but wasnt necessary you know. Just to write the name of the autostop citys on our way .
Laimina said she has a good feeling about this. And as you sould always trust in your intuition (!!!) good feeling about something means it’s gonna turn out just fine.
And really. So it goes! Nice people, nice cars, nice drivers, nice stories...
:D :D i can’t tell you everything you know :p
and when night comes we were 30km from Barcelona ... but it was already 2in the night and we decided to stay there.

Spanish people.
Spanish language.
Spanish everything :D
And Moroccain driver from “basque Morocco”! He was so helpful, and gave us necklet in their traditional colors. Just suggested better not to wear it in Morocco ;D

And then Giulia was arriving!
And then 3 girls were taking their challenge and going into Africa first time in our lives. Hahaha Arriving was funny. It’s true that as you eneter the doors of the port the same moment god knows from where arrive people – everyone just saying to help you/what are you looking for/ i’m taxi driver, but can help you with anything :D
Finally taxi drivers was the one we chose to be our first guide of Tangier. And that turned out to be a good choice. But of course we didnt know about it in the beginning. Hah
All our bags in baggage and he said he knows a good moroccain place to rent a car. Not big international companies, where it is more expensive.
So moroccan it is cause we are arrived here to get to know Morocco till the core.
Arived in strange place. Too europen to be ! but found a car. That’s a good thing. And for 10eur that he didnt want to reduce price (you know negotiating the price, dont you), finally he added us 3 cd. What was very lucky for us, because when being in the mountins radio doesnt catch anything, and being in dessert. Haha ... yeah
Traditional music, and special mountain song selection.
Three girls in the car, sheeps and donkeys and people... everything so differnet from that the eyes are used to.

Khalil who joined us .... and became our Charlie! Good morning, Charlie ... :D*

Hammam! Do you know what is it! It is the best way to wash yourself ever!!!! When being in Rome you get to see ruins of ancient roman thermes ...... but when being in Morocco – you go to them! Le Hammam..... created some time in Ottoman empire / Maghreb countries! And it is SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD ! Well i wont tell you all the procedures :D :D, but after you feel like born again!

Atlas mountains. Breathtaking.
You know, what they say abou traveling with car- you can stop wherever you want! It’s definitely true , espectially if you have so A M A Z I N G drivers as Giulia and Khalil! Thank you ! You are our heros! Deserve many hugs and kisses for all those kilometres which were gone supervized by you! :*


Rock seller with blue-grey eyes.
Waterfall guard for 28 years! Knowing how to say cheers in 18 languages! ... and of course berber viskey. Haš
And of course girls want to swim!
Arriving in Zagora. One strange moment of waiting our host, and not knowing how is it gonna be, and turns out to be ..perfect.
Mohameds home. Small deser. Million-stars hotel = dessert! Other 6travelers from Slovakia! Tagin in the dinner .... everyone together eating by hands. Eat one time like this from one plate, and it gives you insuperable sense of familly.
How can it be. You didnt know anyone like half an hour ago, and then there are so kind people all around you. (sunny smile) (feeling like Sunny)
3 BIG D’s :
Dessert Dramadans Dunes

there are actually so many things that happened, so many experiences and so many feelings. So much emotions that i try to express it , but i dont know am i able to really tell it all.
Maybe because we were experiencing in reality our DreamofMorocco. And some moment you could just feel fullfilled. And i dont know how to describe the things for you to imagine. It was fantastic.
And even writing this... it is first time when writing something so happy in the same time i can phisically feel my heart aching.
i didnt know it is so hard to say goodbye… goodbye to country and Khalil
I remember that after summer camp, which longed 1month there were people crying to say goodbye, then I didn’t get it! Now I got heart was quietly aching all the way back to Tangier. ..
I think Amuch was the one who saved us, from real depression without Khalil. Otherwise car would have been too empty.
Oh, guys ... it was all so great! I am so happy we were into this all together.
Peace Love and Kisses

sestdiena, 2010. gada 3. aprīlis

013 domas+fakti+notikumi

yesterday - first time in my life - went to the bar , taking word atlas with me.

Odette forced me into singing .... oh lala. and gave me guitar. oha la la. Lasma and thoses things doesnt go together. haha. improvisation. funny. changing the roles and then recording :D

ideāls sautējusm spāņu gaumē,

pavārgrāmata + uzzināju, kura ir visgaršīgākā no cilvēka daļām (kanibālisms...) tjā.
Džūija teica, ka jāzina tač, kura daļa tā labākā ja nu kādreiz nonāk nezināmā pasaules malā, kur nav nekā cita

avantūra priekšā, aizrautiba liela.

trying to learn new logiciel - Vestor Works.. bizzare, bet kaut cermas, ka ar laiku paliks labāk. ... ĻĻOOOTI cerams!

piektdiena, 2010. gada 2. aprīlis

012 4 saules+24

Sveiki, mīļie, mīļie mani :)) :)
experimentēšana man vienmēr bijusi pie sirds... un lomografāfēšanās-fotogrāfēšanās . aj cik tas ir jauki. it īpaši ja debesis zilas un kompānija laba.

paldies Francii !

un vēl iepriekšējā krāmu tirgū iegādājos vel divus dīvainus foto-taparātus --- tad jau rezdēs, kas no tā visa sanāks, bet process patīkams. u n r e i z ē m d a ž i g u d r i c i l v ē k i m ē d z t e i k t k a p r o c e s s i r t a s s v a r i g a k a i s v i s ā p a d a r ī š a n ā :))

un tik skaists laiks ārā. istabā palikt negribās un mācīties ne tik. gribās satikt draugus iet uz parku, uzlādēt saules baterijas caur saviem "sejas saules paneļiem"

un patīk. patīk mana Francija. un jūtos labak kā vispār būtu gaidijusi, lai gan mans leves of expectations jau parasti nav no tiem zemākajiem neviena attieciba ne uz sevi citiem, ne ari uz apstakļiem, kas nekad nedrīkst būt spēcīgāki par mani :p :P


nu tajā pašā laikā jau jāatzīst, ka jūtos nedaudz vainīga, ja no rīta pieceļos 9 (tas jau būtu it kā normāli :D :D) ... bet pectam tā vietā lai zīmētu plānus kopā ar Francii un Vincentu dodos uz žarden de plants JEB botanisko darzu .... un ak cik skaists dārzs. pie tam izrādās pirmais bot.darzs visā francijā. un tur vel atrodās vesels bars varžu, kas mums par godu (bet laikam jau par godu viena otrai) dzied skanīgā varžu korī ... un vēl atrodas divas zelta zivtiņas, kas bailīgi paslēpušās zem zara iekš strūklakas, kas pilnīgi noteikti atgādina grāmatu "noslēpumu mežs" ... vai vismaz nārnijas latetnas vērta strūklakas skulptūra , kas noteikti paliek atmiņā.

vēl šajā rīt\a atklāju tādas vietas montepllier, k agraak nebiju ne zinaajusi ne kā .... piemēram divus super baltus vienradžus kas laistās saules staros, bet fantastiski zilām debesim, kurās nav ne miņas no tā, ka tās prastu būt arī citādākas .... (nu piemērma melnas nakti). šķiet, ka tās prot būt vien tik skaistas, zilas un iepriecināt ikvienu, kas no rīta pabāž galvu pa sava mājokļa logu .

paldies tev saule.
paldies, ka Visi MEXIKAS dievi tevi radija tādu, kā esi.
vislabāko priekš mums .